Thursday, September 11, 2008

The ignominious sight !

Yesterday me and Antony were driving near the Kochi high court, adjacent to the sub jail, or is it the sub jail adjacent to the high court (you decide), when we saw this ignominious sight of  two policemen escorting two convicts. Yes indeed, it was more like an escort to some VIP's. These convicts where handcuffed together (hand in hand), and using their free hands, they were on the mobile (sophisticated ones), while the poor policemen were escorting them, as if they are VIP's. Their body language also radiated their VIP status.  The convict's chest up, head high postion radiated confidence, where as the two poor skinny policemen escorting them radiated helplessness. I think, this is a direct reflection of the value system evolving in this part of the world, where the guilty and the convicts are given undue respect than they deserve. Thanks to the press for giving them that kind of an aura. We cannot blame the poor police man, becuase if something happens to him or his family members, there wont be anyone for their rescue, where as behind the convicts, there are power ful hands of the politicians and the mafia to safeguard them. It was indeed an ignonimous sight. 

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