Monday, September 8, 2008

Letter to the Carrots !

Yesterday before calling it a day, with great good intentions I made a daily plan for today, which is a Monday. By 7.a.m on this beautiful monday morning with a drizzle outside was really tempting me to continue on the bed. Then started the beep of the inverter, indicating the disruption in the electrical power supply, followed by the humming noise of the neighbor's generator set, which does not any sense of acceptable decibel levels. What a difference between my childhood days here (which is still a hanging around as a wrong nostalgia, which tempted me to come back), where we used to wake up to tunes of the beautiful cuckoos (at least two of them used to use the power supply cable as a resting place, not seen these days, may be they might have fallen into the endangered species of birds). Of course, I am cognizant of the price to be paid for the so called development.

When this is my week's start, I am really depraved with the anti nuclear agreement attitude of the communists who are ruling Kerala, our beloved state now. All of them looks and acts as born pessimists all the time. The self proclaimed leader of the rich comrades gang ... I am really struggling to get his/her no... Karat, is hell bent on attacking this treaty, when the most respected and knowledgeable persons like APJ Abdul Kalam, Manmohan Singh etc are creative enough to appreciate the deal. Dear Carrot, as a ordinary citizen of India, I want to know your action plan to provide uninterrupted power supply at affordable rates to the ordinary citizens and the industry of India. Anyone who understands the difference between nuclear fusion and fission (which I learned in 8th standard), knows that nuclear power is the best alternative power source for a country like India. So it will be for the good of the people of this country, if you can either support this nuclear deal or come out with something better, which is implementable in the next five year's time, so that the common man like me, need not suffer, out of your prejudice, incapability and the political vendetta.

Your ally China, played a major role to ensure that this agreement is a failure. Why?. They knew that, availability of low cost power is the critical factor for industrialization. If that can be jeopardized, India's growth can be controlled, which will get rid of one of their main competitors in the global market. They are thinking strategically, where as the carrots here, can think only about 'how to win the next election'. Or are you playing the strategic role for China, betraying the entire nation.

Kerala is state ruled by your party. Can you first ensure that Keralites are getting uninterrupted power supply, water and decent roads - before you start playing at international levels. If that sounds a s a big challenge, then start at the panchayath level. Around two years before I applied for a new ration card, and the issue of these new ration cards are not even started yet.. Do something creative first, before criticizing everything out of vested interests and hidden agendas. This negative attitude and the duplicity of the Indian communists we have seen many times in the past...when the tractor came , when computer's came and now when the nuclear power come in. With the demise of Nayanar, the last leader of the communist party in Kerala is gone. The present day millionaire comrades will not be able to rise to the level of APJ Abdul Kalam, Chdambaram and Manmohan Singh - who are beyond the vested interests of the self, which enables them to think for the nation in the long term perspective. Like Achuthananthan's (current chief minister) statement, If development happens here, greenery will be lost, and no tourist will come here...... Let us all laugh and applaud ..


rammuk said...

Abrachan, the only reason the Commies survive is our own indifference to the bottom of the pyramid. Nobody cares when dams burst and thousands of people die in Bihar - because these are not urban consumers, they are not potential footfalls in fancy malls.

So the morally and intellectually bankrupt Communists will continue to successfully brandish their carrots as a sign of concern for the poorest. And they will be here for decades to come. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Ram, I agree with you. Till now (I am nearing 50 years of age), I took pride in saying that I am non political, rather I did not have the backbone to have my own views and take sides, so I remained apolitical, and did not even use my franchise. I used to take pride in this non aligned status of mine. Now I realize that it is a mistake. By keeping away from politics, and not using the franchise, I am allowing the inefficient to exploit the downtrodden. Instead of wallowing, we must act, and the first action should be exercising the franchise.